Habakkuk 3:2 "...O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known...." The initial stage of a journey is often robust and filled with excitement and hope but very often, it is in the midst of the years that bring discouragement, disenchantment and the feeling of discontinuation. Habakkuk 3:2 is a powerful and relatable Scripture in many instances. Believers sometimes may feel like giving up on the very journey they need - the walk of faith, which the great Apostle Paul called, "the race". This world has the tendency to make you forget the significance of the purpose of your walk in the Lord and the glory that awaits you. The affairs of life and the cares of the world can cause you to feel like you are alone and that no power backs you up. This book is written to bring insight and revelation to you concerning the manifold paths of victories available to you and how to finish the race of faith. Enjoy and be blessed!