What do you believe about existence in general and yours in particular?
If you think it's random and you're an evolutionary complex dancing to DNA, then read no further. There's nothing here for you.
However, if you tend to believe that you and the rest of the universe were designed and created by a transcendent being who most likely defies human understanding, then you'll appreciate the discourse in this book.
Donald A. Prue, a born-again believer, looks to the Bible to explore what it means to function as we were designed. He offers insights on topics such as:
The Christian life as a relational delight rather than a religious duty
Understanding and relating to our Creator beyond emotion and religion.
Belonging to God and becoming like Christ as prerequisite for functioning as designed.
Thinking through the logical consequences of the fact that God designed and created us for a purpose, the author concludes that everyone's life is infused with meaning.
Join the author as he examines what it means for human beings to function as designed.