The Bible uses hundreds of metaphors but the one that has attracted my attention the most is that of "God as Rock". In this book we have tried to follow this rich vein of gold from Genesis to Revelation. We have discovered a treasure of stones that speak of God's relationship with us. We trace the metaphor through the Old Testament, coming squarely to the feet of Jesus, the Cornerstone revealed, rejected and restored. At the end of our study, we will discover a mystery stone that may surprise you as you contemplate the final events God has in store for us.
E. Dean Cook is a retired Navy chaplain, Captain, with a doctoral degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. Besides the Navy, his service included tours with the Marine Corps and Coast Guard. He taught at Roberts Wesleyan College and later pastored the Wilmore Free Methodist Church. There he also supervised theological students. He served as denominational Director of Free Methodist Chaplains and wrote their first history: Chaplaincy: Being God's Presence in Closed Communities. The Free Methodist Church honored him with their Chaplain's Medallion and the State of Kentucky gave him the honorary title of Kentucky Admiral! He lives in retirement with his wife, Ruth, of 63 years. They are parents of four sons, all of whom enjoy writing.