We are in a very real war, a war between Jesus Christ and the anti-Christ, a war between the flesh and the Spirit. Look at this supernatural war: People have been scarred by Satan, serial deception, and the surgeons of sin. People are mingled in lifestyles of pantheism, paganism, an exploding satanism, black cat-smooching, crystal-rubbing, and chicken bone-massaging witchcraft, transgenderism, serial fornication, homosexuality, and public schools teach the gender-confusion curriculum. People are involved in corruption in the government that defies description, state-supported and recreational murder (abortion), back-handed and pistol-whipped addictions, and perpetual, pathological hatred and racism.
Law, philosophy, poetry, positive thinking, and psychology cannot change you! Shelley, Keats, Bryon, and Shakespeare cannot change you! You cannot legislate morality, immorality, and virtue. Law will not stop murder, adultery, stealing, rape, child sex trafficking, and government corruption (the least government is the best government), but Christ can do that! Jesus is the answer! The only solution is a blood transfusion from the veins of the Lamb of God.
This book retards the deliverance ministry, which is the "sneeze," "cough," and "vomit" movement. People are conjuring up, coughing up, and vomiting up Charismatic spirits and looking like utter fools, satanically manifesting like godless pagans, sacrificing themselves to totem poles, a vomiting and manifesting machine--the Manifesting Ministry Movement.
The Hijacked Mind retards the hyper-grace movement. If you teach a grace that forgives sin but does not produce repentance, you are preaching from satanic literature. Grace, without repentance, is paganism. The love of God without the wrath of God is Satan's theology. Love without law produces a secular humanist, and law without love produces a Pharisee. The Hijacked Mind retards atheism. Atheists are mastered by primates, and neo-pagans and environmentalists are anointed by birds, bugs, and bureaucrats.
The Hijacked Mind shares the truth of Christ and the absolute existence of Christ. This book shares the biblical truths about heaven and hell, and if you do not believe in heaven or hell, that is because you worship your own back-porch philosophy and think your intellect supersedes the knowledge of God and the truth--this is ignorance on a rampage.