"The Prayer Warrior's Way" shows us that God created us so He would have someone with whom He could communicate and share life. It is a field manual for those who want to be a privileged advisor fully participating in the big conversation of heaven for changing the cities and nations of this earth. It reveals that you must first learn to do battle in the trenches of your own personal life. You will never know how to win your city for Jesus until you know how to pray your neighbor into the kingdom. You will never hear the strategies of heaven for your nation until you know how to hear the plans and purposes of heaven for your own life. God has things He is trying to say to you "right now," but many believers don't know how to hear them. This book enables readers to become versed in the prayer basics necessary for hearing from God for him or herself. What is in these pages is what you need to know to be part of the most important conversation in the universe--the one going on in heaven about how to bring health and healing to humanity.