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Doctrina Para Todas

El Conocimiento de Dios Que Todas Necesitamos
  • By Jeanine Martínez de Urrea
Product Description
Te intimida la palabra «doctrina ? Tal vez la has considerado una palabra que pertenece solamente a los estudiantes de seminario, a pastores o incluso solo a los hombres en general. Si piensas que la teolog a no es til o provechosa para tu caminar personal con Dios como mujer, entonces este libro es para ti. La autora Jeanine Mart nez es una maestra talentosa y ha dedicado a os de su vida a entrenar a personas ordinarias a entender verdades profundas de una manera sencilla. Su metodolog a es simple, f cil de seguir y pr ctica. De acuerdo a la autora, cuando entiendes la doctrina como es mostrada en la Escritura, tu vida es transformada en un sinn mero de maneras pr cticas.

Are you intimidated by the word "doctrine"? Maybe you have thought that it is a word that belongs only to seminary students, pastors or even just men in general. If you think that heavy theology is not useful or beneficial to your own personal walk with God as a woman, then this book is for you. Author Jeanine Mart nez is a gifted teacher and has dedicated years of her life to train ordinary people in understanding deep truths in an easy way. Her methodology is simple, easy to follow, and practical. According to the author, when you understand doctrine as shown in Scripture, your life will be transformed in countless practical ways.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781087734132
    • Manufacturer: B&H ESPANOL
    • ISBN 13: 9781087734132
    • Publication Date: 05/01/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Jeanine Martínez de Urrea
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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