Meaningful and affordable daily devotions for Lent for your congregation and for outreach.Experience a transformative Advent journey with this convenient and affordable devotional for the entire church.
Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2025 by Jan Turrentine contains brief readings for each day in Advent, from the first Sunday of Advent through Christmas Day, including a suggested Scripture, a short devotion, and a short prayer or practice—all based on the Revised Common Lectionary. This annual favorite is ideal for congregations and perfect as gifts. In addition, the booklets are a great addition to Advent mailings by churches and an easy way to reach out to visitors and members of your community during this special season.
For larger distribution, you may purchase access to downloadable files (in PDF or Word format) that your church can send via emails to people in your church—from 1-50 email recipients and up to over 500 email recipients—and which can be personalized. Also available in print (packs of 10) or as an eBook, sold individually.
This download is good for up to 50 email recipients.