In a world where we need encouragement, salvation, faith, hope, and love, this book serves as a springboard to all of those things-and to success.
Manassé A. Dorival challenges you to never give up toward fulfilling your God-given purpose. By writing this book, he seeks to provide a wake-up call for those who want to win but have thought it's impossible. Get answers to questions such as:
- How can you devise a strategy that leads to success?
- Who is God and what does He stand for?
- Who is Satan and what does he stand for?
- Do God and Satan have anything in common?
The author highlights individuals from the Bible who drew on their faith to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. By focusing on people who did not give up, he reveals transformative principles and strategies that you can put into action to achieve your goals.
Prepare yourself for victory by leaning on your Lord and Savior and applying the lessons in You Will Win If You Don't Give Up.