Creating a profile on will streamline the online ordering process, and will make several helpful features available to you!
A profile allows you to:
Start by hovering over/clicking the Login/Signup button in the top right corner of any page on
Click on Create an Account. A Registration screen will then display fields for you to type in your information.
The following information is required to create your account:
Upon submitting the information you entered, you will receive an email. You must click the link in the email to confirm your registration.
We suggest that you create a profile for placing personal orders, and a separate profile for placing orders for your church or organization where the account may be used by one or more persons. This information is also used by our shipping carriers for package delivery.
After clicking on "Log In" in the top right corner, click on the link that reads “Forgot Password?” On the next page, enter your email address and click ‘Submit'.
You can also contact us at 1-800-672-1789 or to reset your password. You can also click on the blue Live Chat button in the bottom right corner of any page on and we will be happy to assist!
You can chat with us by clicking the Live Chat button in the bottom right corner of any page on, and we will be happy to assist!
You can also email us at, or call Technical Support at 800-672-1789 during business hours. uses reCAPTCHA, a free service from Google that protects your data from spam and abuse. It uses an advanced risk analysis technique to tell humans and bots apart.
If you receive a reCAPTCHA error while trying to login, simply refresh the page and try to log in again. After the 3 attempts, you will receive an email that contains a link to a page that will allow you to login without incident.
We recommend that you set-up MultiFactor Authentication for your account. This not only adds an additional layer of security for your personal data, but it will also bypass the reCAPTCHA service, thus preventing any reCAPTCHA errors.
To protect your information, your account is locked after three unsuccessful login attempts. It will automatically be unlocked after just a few minutes. If your account is locked for a prolonged period of time, please contact us at 1-800-672-1789 or during regular business hours and we will help you get logged back in.
You can also click on the Live Chat button in the bottom right corner of any page on and we will be happy to assist!
Guarding your personal information is very important to us so we will make you aware of any situation that could impact your online accounts. If your email or password has been listed on a third-party site in connection with a prior password breach unrelated to, we will notify you when you attempt to login with that email address or password.
This would only be of concern if you share the same password between multiple sites. If you do not use the same password on multiple websites you probably do not have anything to worry about. Even though we may have no evidence to suggest that your account has been compromised, we will require that you update your password.
For details on known breaches which your email address may have been involved in please visit the third-party site HIBP...
We also recommend using MultiFactor authentication to add a layer of protection to your account.