In the book
Get Their Name, authors Bob Farr and Kay Kotan
show how people can share their faith with others in natural, genuine
ways, drawing all kinds of
people to Christ. The next step for many churches is to
implement the Get Their Name approach as a congregation, an all-church approach to building a culture
of invitation. This is a two-pronged program, including a group study and a sermon series.
This DVD includes a conversation-starter video for each week of the study, plus a promotional video to introduce people to
Get Their Name and invite them to
the study and/or sermon series.
1. Get Their Name Promotional Video (1:10)
2. Week One: Do You Know Your Own Story? (2:59)
3. Week Two: The Person Behind The Need (2:47)
4. Week Three: Being An Everyday Christian (2:43)
5. Week Four: Are You Prepared? (4:50)